At times, God allows unexplainable circumstances that make us question everything we believe in. These tests of faith are not always for us—sometimes they are to help those around us to know and believe in the power of God. This is the story of the most agonizing experience we have ever lived for the glory of God.
Lucas Begins to Heal
We returned to the US from the Avène Hydrotherapy Center filled with hope that in the next few weeks we would see more improvements in Lucas. Although it was barely visible, his hair was beginning to grow back, indicating that his body was finally getting more nutrition, and the skin on his head had fully healed. It was a great sign of healing.
Unfortunately, at this time, I made a big mistake that impacted Lucas. It was peach season and we have two delicious peach trees in our backyard. I couldn’t resist the temptation and ate some, not realizing how it would affect Lucas through my breastmilk. A few days later, Lucas began to throw up and have diarrhea again. Although he lost weight from this reaction, we now knew how to bring him back to health. We gave him more onion/garlic broth to help with the inflammation and did two enemas a day for a week. In the morning we did a garlic broth enema and, in the evening, a blended vegetable enema.
His allergic reaction fully cleared in a week or two. After this, he began healing quickly. Just as Mercy Ballard (Years Restored) had told us, at the end of month four on the Autoimmune Plant-based Protocol, Lucas began to steadily gain weight. He was eating well, he had no more diarrhea, no more vomiting, and his skin was healing. He began gaining 8 oz (200 g) a week, which was a huge accomplishment after having no weight gain for two years!
Child Protective Services Knocks on Our Doors
We knew Lucas was healing, but to the outside world he still looked very ill. Understandably, some acquaintances gathered to talk about our son because they were worried we were not making the right decision by keeping him out of the hospital. Not knowing the details of his healing process, they were afraid that Lucas may lose his life soon if we did not take him to the hospital. So, they called Child Protective Services (CPS) to report us for medical neglect.
We knew this day could come. A few months earlier, a friend and medical missionary worker, warned me that she had heard people talking about Lucas and that we should pray earnestly for God to protect us. We did pray, and I believe God protected us—until it was time for God to reveal His glory.
On a Friday afternoon, CPS came knocking on our door. By God’s providence, we were not home. We are always home on Friday afternoon preparing for Sabbath, but on that day, I was running late and my husband decided to take Lucas to the park. CPS left a contact card on our door, requesting that we call them back.
My husband got home first and waited for me to arrive before telling me what he had found. He calmly sat me down, told me to trust God, and then showed me the contact card. My heart sank. I knew exactly what this meant. For some time, I had known what could result from refusing medical treatment recommended by doctors to protect a child’s life or development. The risk of losing custody of Lucas was very high. (Read Part 4 and Part 5 to know why we refused conventional medical treatment.)
We prayed earnestly and made some calls to get counsel. It became clear that we would be in a much better position to defend ourselves before CPS if Lucas was admitted to the hospital by us. It was Friday evening when we made the decision, but took the risk to wait until Monday to take him for a doctor’s visit.
Before I continue, know that I understand that the doctors who treated our son desired what was best for him. Lucas had a difficult medical condition that perplexed all his doctors. I understand that medical doctors have a protocol to follow which they cannot deviate from without the risk of losing their medical license. We were blessed with a great medical team who did the best they could with the knowledge they have.
Admitted into the Hospital
On Monday morning, I scheduled a sick visit for that day with Lucas’ primary care physician who we had not seen in a year. We could have taken Lucas straight to the hospital, however there was a slight chance that by taking Lucas’ to the doctor first, God could work a miracle to keep him out of the hospital, if that was His will. I needed God to reassure me of His will.
The primary care physician was very friendly, respectful, and understanding. Yet, she was sincerely scared to see a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy weighing only around 14 lbs. (6.3 kg). As expected, she directed Lucas to be immediately hospitalized for extensive testing and to help him gain weight fast. The hospital prepared a bed for Lucas that afternoon and by the evening he was admitted.
It is difficult to put into words the array of emotions I felt as we prepared to take Lucas to the hospital. I feared that everything we had worked to accomplished for Lucas’ healing was going to be lost. I was confused as to why God was allowing this to happen at this time. How would the world know now that it was God, through nature, who healed Lucas? How would God receive the credit for healing? It seemed as though everything we had stood up for in the past two years was in vain. Furthermore, knowing how ill Lucas still appeared, I felt vulnerable thinking that I would be judged as a horrible mom. It felt as though every choice was stripped from us and we were powerless. We could not refuse any treatment or even insinuate such a thought because of the risk of losing custody of our son for such actions. Yet, in the midst of all the hurt and confusion, I had immense faith that God would sustain us, protect us, and protect our son. As Lucas’ care was completely taken out of our hands, God provided a spirit of humility and meekness – such as I have never experienced before.
Hospital Treatment Begins
On Tuesday morning, the lead physician came to see Lucas and gathered his medical history and information from us. At the time Lucas was admitted into the hospital, he had no diarrhea or vomiting. Although he still had eczema, his skin was healing. It was white and clear with no red inflammation, except around the diaper area.
I informed the physician that Lucas had multiple food allergies and that he had even reacted to elemental formulas such as Elecare and Neocate. She explained how this was impossible and prescribed for Lucas to immediately begin drinking Elecare in addition to breast milk and the solid food he ate. The goal was to get him to gain weight as quickly as possible.
The GI specialist, who we had not seen in 9 months, also came to see us and explained the importance of starting Lucas on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). She feared that Lucas had a case of severe mal absorption and the only way to give him the nutrition he needed was through the vein (intravenously). However, this was a risky procedure requiring full sedation and continuous care to prevent a deadly infection. The GI also requested an endoscopy and colonoscopy to biopsy his digestive track and see any potential inflammation. Through this procedure, we would also find out the status of his eosinophilic esophagitis. The idea was to do all procedures at the same time while sedated.
We also saw a dermatologist, geneticist, endocrinologist, and immunologist. The main goal of doctors was to simply have Lucas gain weight.

Facing Child Protective Services
On Wednesday morning, Child Protective Services called my husband, who informed them that we were at the hospital. My husband and I kneeled at Lucas’ bedside and prayed for God’s spirit to be over us and for His protection. Three ladies from the county came that morning to present us with the allegations and charges against us for medical neglect. The lead investigator was rude, forceful, and had it in her mind that we were trying to kill our child.
They began aggressively interrogating us about every detail of Lucas’ medical history and treatment. We answered each accusation and question in such a composed manner that I knew the power of the Holy Spirit was over us. They insinuated that I was still breastfeeding because I had attachment issues and refused to feed my child any other way. I calmly attempted to explain that my child had several food allergies and that he had even reacted to elemental formulas. The only thing that had kept him alive this long was my breast milk. However, they had doubts this could be true.
The three ladies questioned us why there was no record of recent doctor visits. I did not dare mention that we had sought natural medicine, but I did explain that we had consulted with other experts around the world and had even taken our son to France for treatment. The lead investigator requested that we gather all medical files from the other experts and institutions to present them as evidence. Before leaving, she threatened us that if we denied any medical treatment at the hospital, she would find out from the nurses and we would lose immediate custody of our son. However, because we were already at the hospital and had not caused any doubt in the medical staff of our care for Lucas, CPS had no grounds at that time to take custody of our child.
As soon as the ladies from the county left, the daily rotations with the physicians began. Although there was a sensitive and tense feeling to what had just happened, the medical staff treated us with professionalism and compassion. I am certain this was not easy for them either and I will forever applaud them for the respect and care they expressed.
Questioning My Faith
The visit from CPS left me startled and insecure. Though God helped me keep my composure during the interrogation, I was a mess inside. There was no way for me to defend the decisions we had made over the last year to CPS or the medical staff. The decisions were all spiritually led and had little science or logic grounds. I was very well aware that according to the world, it was insanity to have refused medical treatment for our son. I began doubting if God had been leading us. Had I misinterpreted God’s voice?
The experiences I had lived through with God the previous two years were so genuine and tangible that I could not fathom the thought that those moments of deep communion with Him were not real. Yet, I was very confused with everything that God was allowing to happen now. I was truly questioning everything. Was God allowing the hospitalization because I had misinterpreted His word and this whole time it was God’s will for Lucas to be treated in the hospital? Were the physicians at the hospital to restore my son now?
The conviction that I had heard from God, however, was so strong that in my mind there were only two options: either everything I had experienced and heard from God was true or it was all false and there was no God. I had so fully surrendered to God that I could not grasp the idea that I had misinterpreted His voice or that He would allow me to misunderstand Him to such lengths.
The consideration that there was no God was too much for me to bear. There was a God. I heard Him speak! He had a plan and His glory would somehow be still revealed and all would know that it was Him alone who healed Lucas.
Testing Results
We received the first blood test results on Wednesday morning which confirmed that Lucas had multiple severe allergies and his entire immune system was on alert. Furthermore, he had several markers that indicated he might have hypereosinophilic syndrome, a very rare disease and unheard of in children. Over time, excess eosinophils enter the tissue and damage different organs. Physicians began contemplating this diagnosis, and we were told there was little they could do if this was his condition.
It was clear Lucas had a serious case of protein malabsorption as his Albumin was only 1.7 g/dL (normal range 3.8 – 5.2). We had known this to be a problem for a year and that it was due to his chronic diarrhea. Stool testing from the previous year had shown that he was not absorbing proteins. However, the labs also showed that Lucas had more nutrition in him than doctors first thought. Other markers they had expected to be off were normal, indicating that Lucas was getting nutrition. As I had insisted since he was six months old, his principal problem for not gaining weight was the chronic diarrhea. The only solution conventional medicine had for us was feeding Lucas by bypassing the digestive system through TPN.
Evaluation for Treatment
The head nurse who was in charge of evaluating whether Lucas was a good candidate to have a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) warned the physicians that although it was possible to place a PICC line in Lucas, he was at high risk of having a deadly infection due to his chronic eczema. The nurse could not provide a safe way to keep the PICC line free of bacteria and advised against it. However, the medical team thought otherwise.
I remember asking the PICC nurse what he would do in our situation. He told us that he could not answer that question, but that if it was his son, he would not place the PICC line unless his child wasn’t going to make it through another night. He was very concerned about Lucas and for two days he advocated for us. However, at last, the physicians left us with no choice but to place the PICC line. They assured us that all precautionary steps would be taken and a wound specialist would be in charge of keeping the PICC line secure and safe.
Medical Procedures
Lucas was scheduled to have the PICC line placed on Friday. At the same time, the GI would perform an endoscopy and colonoscopy and do a biopsy. The procedure went well but it left Lucas very weak and he did not fully wake up from the sedation. It was a cause for concern, but 24 hours later Lucas began to fully come to himself.
The endoscopy showed no inflammation of the esophagus, but the biopsy was positive for eosinophils (the measure to diagnose eosinophilic esophagitis). It is important to note that this number was low, which could have been due to the allergens that he was being exposed to at the hospital. Lucas’ colonoscopy was completely normal and healthy! This was astonishing considering he had two years of chronic diarrhea and malabsorption.
With the PICC line in place, it was easier to draw blood from Lucas and the doctors took full advantage to run more tests on him. The nutritionist met with us to discuss his TPN feeding. She was aware of Lucas’ sensitive condition and multiple allergies. It was a possibility that Lucas could even react to the TPN solution and for this reason they decided to keep lipids out of the solution.
Allergic Reaction & Complications
Lucas has a delayed allergic response, which means that he may not react to a food until days later, usually around day three or four. The entire week, while the doctors discussed Lucas’ TPN feeding and treatment, he was drinking the Elecare formula prescribed to him the first day. By Wednesday, three days after being hospitalized, Lucas’ eczema had gotten significantly worse—even worse than before we went to France for treatment. I believe the stress of being hospitalized played a role in addition to the formula he was being fed. On day four, Lucas’ vomiting and diarrhea returned. We had experienced this before at home, so I knew he was reacting to the formula. I informed the doctors, but their response was, “that is alright, we hope he is at least absorbing some.” In the days to come, the diarrhea and vomiting became increasingly worse. Even while on TPN, we were instructed to keep feeding him the formula. The sole focus was to get calories into him, even if these calories themselves were causing harm.
The day after the PICC line was placed, the tape holding it in place became completely loose. The nurse immediately called the PICC nurse and wound specialist. They removed all the tape and bandages to take a look and clean the sight. Lucas’ skin could not tolerate the bandages and tape. His skin was fully exposed and oozing. The PICC nurse was very concerned and expressed that this was exactly what he was worried about. There was no way to keep the area clean, secure, and safe from bacteria. The wound specialist did her best to bandage the area but it became clear that TPN was not going to be sustainable.
Throughout the whole week we had been very submissive, cooperative, and attentive to every medical procedure and prescription. However, on Sunday, things turned around for the worst and we could not remain calm any longer.
A series of events unfolded in just a few hours, starting with Lucas needing two blood transfusions. So much blood was drawn from his body for testing that he was depleted. We had been informed this was likely to happen. We were also informed that there was always a risk he could react to the blood transfusion. Next, Lucas started swelling up due to edema. This was most obvious on his arm where the PICC line was placed. The bottom of his arm had swollen to three times its size. To reduce the swelling and release the fluid build up, he was given a diuretic. When I changed his diaper, I was in shock to see his skin in hives like I had never seen before. I gasped so loudly that the nurse who had just been assigned to our care became concerned and asked if this was normal. It was certainly not! A few minutes later we noticed that Lucas was wheezing and having trouble breathing. The nurse was alarmed, and she called the emergency team.

Deliverance Needed
We were watching our child deteriorate before our eyes, yet we were powerless to advocate for him and protect him. We were not in a position to refuse any medical treatment or defend what we thought was best for Lucas. My heart ached and my motherly instinct screamed inside. Still, we waited for God to act. It was for Him alone to deliver us. I repeatedly heard the voice of God saying:
“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today… The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:13-14
4 replies on “Part 9 – The Biggest Test Yet: Facing Child Protective Services”
My goodness I’m in tears. This is worst than a nightmare!
Mi querido nieto, después de pasar tantas noches en vela cuidándolo, tantas noches rascando suavemente su piel y luego con su tratamiento “casero” verlo recuperarse, … en el hospital finalmente se nos iba a morir???…
Desgarra el corazón de cualquiera.
¡Con qué fuerza rogaba a Dios por misericordia!
We have been witnessing and praying for this miracle from the beginning and we can say “Our God is an awesome God”
I remember this. I am so proud of you for trusting God even though these horrendously difficult moments.