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Part 5 – When Your Faith is Tested

Part 5 - When Your Faith is Tested

With the understanding that God had given me through His Word and the faith He implanted in my heart, I was determined to obey God and follow His instructions. However, the question remained, “What natural means will help my son heal?” As I studied scripture and daily gave my will to God, I stumbled upon a one-hour health lecture on YouTube by Barbara O’Neill. I was immediately captivated by her knowledge. She was teaching just what God had impressed in my heart and had so much wisdom in regard to using natural remedies for healing. I watched all of her lectures within a week, but I needed more specific knowledge to help my son, and that is when I found her email. I emailed her asking for her advice for my son’s case and to my surprise, she emailed me back the very same day. This first exchange started our daily email conversations as she began to guide me.

I knew God had guided me to find Barbara O’Neill and I immediately began implementing her recommendations—none of which could pose a risk for Lucas. Up to this point, we had experimented with several different elimination diets, but none seemed to help Lucas. I kept on eliminating foods and it felt like my son would not be able to eat anything because his symptoms continued. Barbara gave me some suggestions to change my diet one more time, for example replacing oats with millet and rice with quinoa. We also began giving Lucas some natural remedies like slippery elm.

The Decision To Take Our Son Off Drugs

Several things had happened at the same time: God revealing His plan to heal Lucas, me stumbling upon Barbara O’Neill, and the conviction in my heart that I had to take Lucas off all drug medications. Before I go on, I must be clear that none of the medications my son was taking were lifesaving; there was no imminent risk to take him off them. At this time, we were using a steroid oil on his skin from head to toe, high amounts of Hydroxyzine, and Budesonide (steroid medication) for his eosinophilic esophagitis. The only medication that maybe had some benefit was the Budesonide, because Lucas seemed to have started having less vomiting, but he was still not gaining weight. This drug, however, would not allow us to find out what he was truly allergic to because it masked the symptoms and it was not serving its purpose in helping Lucas gain weight as his severe diarrhea continued. At this time, we also decided that we would not be vaccinating Lucas at his one-year appointment.

I could give you countless scientific reasons and explanations for why we made the decision to take our son off the drugs, but at the end, it was simply an act of faith. God had made it very clear that He would heal our son but His way, without drugs. God had promised to reveal to me “great and might things which you do not know” to heal my son, but I had to take the first step of faith (Jeremiah 33:3).

To be honest, the decision wasn’t hard. It came naturally as a progression of everything God was revealing to me. It also helped that the drugs did not seem to help, and countless advice given by the physicians had only made Lucas get worse.

child with severe eczema itchingAs we weaned Lucas off his drugs, he began having pretty bad withdrawal symptoms. He began to be itch like never before— desperately. He just couldn’t stop. He did not want to do anything but scratch. His skin exploded in head to toe eczema like we had never seen before.We would slather him in a homemade shea butter cream I made and would do wet wrap therapy (one layer of wet clothes right after applying the cream and then one layer of dry clothes).

To prevent scratching as much as possible, we only put onesies on him and put tape around the wrist of his onesie so he couldn’t pull the sleeves up. He still found any way he could to scratch. Every diaper change was a battle to keep him from scratching. It was a horrific four weeks, but his body finally calmed down and we were able to see what his true, baseline eczema looked like. He still itched, but not as desperately. He still had eczema, but it was not as severe or inflamed.

child with eczema after bath begins to heal

Our Son Begins To Heal

After a month of making the dietary changes recommended by Barbara O’Neill, implementing natural remedies, and taking Lucas off the drugs, we finally began to see hope. His eczema became somewhat more manageable, and most importantly, his diarrhea stopped, and he began to gain weight after nearly 6 months of no weight gain! He began to develop quickly. All the things he had missed (from being so weak and constantly itching) he began to do. We finally had a baby full of energy ready to explore the world. He began to crawl at 11 months and quickly moved on to holding on to furniture to practice taking steps. He was not throwing up, he was eating well, and everything indicated that we had finally found healing. It could only get better from here.

child healing from eczema and failure to thrive crawling on the grass

Our Faith Is Tested

The future was looking bright. It seemed we had finally gotten out of this storm and could see the sunshine ahead of us. Then, out of nowhere, the storm came back stronger than we could have ever imagined. After all the progress Lucas had made, he came crashing down. The explosive diarrhea and vomiting came back, which quickly debilitated his entire system. Nothing had changed in his diet or environment, so his deterioration made absolutely no sense. Over the course of the next few months, Lucas began to lose the weight he had gained, he began to lose his hair, and his eczema was out of control. Due to the constant severe diarrhea, he had very low protein levels in his blood, which left him with no strength for his muscles to develop and grow. He went from almost walking by himself, to barely having the strength to sit.

child with dry eczema on face
severe childhood eczema bare skin healed naturally
child with severe eczema in apple cider vinegar bath

What were we to do now? Our son was disintegrating right in front of our eyes. Most alarming to doctors was his low protein level. However, once again, instead of focusing on what was causing it and how to heal it, the Gastroenterologist (GI) suggested to feed him with total parenteral nutrition (TPN), which is a method of feeding that bypasses the digestive tract and instead uses a special formula that is given through the vein to provide nutrients. This sounded like the least natural way to feed a human. We had a long conversation with the GI and decided not to go for it and wait it out.

What followed was a year full of trials and endless debates whether to use conventional medicine or not. It seemed that in trying the natural way, God’s way, it caused our son’s health to come crashing down in illness. We were so strict, so disciplined, and had done our work in faith. Why was God not providing healing? He was simply testing our faith.

God had promised He would heal Lucas, but He was very specific to tell me “not yet” and I didn’t know how long that would be. However, the way God revealed Himself to me was so powerful that I never doubted my son would be healed. Therefore, when the doctors told me that Lucas couldn’t live with such low protein levels, I thought, “you do not define whether my son dies or lives, God already established that he will live and be healed.” The question at hand was whether it was ok to use conventional medicine while we waited on God. I would be lying if I didn’t tell you of the countless times where all I wanted to do was run to the hospital and let the physicians do whatever they felt needed to be done to keep him alive and thrive. However, each time I felt that way, the power of the Holy Spirit was much stronger in me and I was reminded that God’s promise of healing was conditional that we obey Him. Hebrews 10:35-36 says, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” I needed to persevere.

There were endless debates in my house, with family, and with friends about our decision to not use conventional medicine. I was judged and treated as a crazy person “hearing voices” by pastors, church leaders, therapist, and close friends. However, the conviction God gave me was much stronger than any argument anyone could throw at me. They argued I needed to hospitalize my son immediately to save his life; that God would bless the doctors and drugs to bring healing but the Spirit was telling me to “trust and obey.” I cannot put into words the divine strength and faith that God gave me. The conviction that I had to endure this trial and block out all human sense and advice, was only imparted by God. It was not human strength; it was supernatural power from the Holy Spirit. This is how I knew I was doing God’s will, because on my own I could not have possibly stood on my ground.

family faith tested with sick child

The year 2017 was full of pain, insecurity, and helplessness. However, at the same time, it was filled with faith, strength, and hope. I got to truly experience what it means to be closest to God when pain and trials are the greatest.

We barely slept that year. Some days, I had no emotional strength to go to work. Most days, I spent praying every hour, crying my eyes out and asking God to sustain me, my family, and my son. I look back and I can see God’s glory revealed throughout that entire year. He never left me. He was always there. He carried me, my husband, and my son in His arms. At the hardest times, I would kneel next to my son’s bed as he slept and asked Jesus to keep his heart beating through the night. I know Jesus did just that and only He sustained his life. As I saw my son’s life hanging by thread, I was constantly reminded that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18). And so it was, His glory we finally did see.



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7 replies on “Part 5 – When Your Faith is Tested”

Daniela,admiro tu Fe y leer cada experiencia real con nuestro Dios me da mas fuerza a mi Fe. Dios es bueno. Y es así en medio del dolor es cuando crecemos más. Gracias por compartir con el mundo está experiencia real de Fe y de respuestas De Dios. Dios los bendiga y siga guiando la vida Lucas.

Tanks for your Decition to write your story and for The faith in Jesus’s promise. They were hard Days but He was testing your faith and ours (doctors) too. Immunization and allergies are two branches of medicine we are learning and investigating hard. We don’t have all the answers, but we gave you our best knowledge. Sorry about my English.
Josué Valverde A.
General Doctor in Guayaquil Ecuador
an old friend of Ubaldo and Francis. Happy to know that the boy is better now and anxious to know HOW?

I have tears in my eyes reading the last paragraph, so true…pain and trials will bring us closer to our Jesus. what a wonderful testimony!!! This just strengthen my faith that we ca do all things thru Christ Jesus!
God bless you, your husband and your precious boy!

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