My name is Daniela, and I live in Southern California with my husband and son. We are originally from Chile, and moved to the US in 2016. Throughout my life I have faced multiple chronic health conditions, including severe migraines, insomnia, acne, fatigue, and digestive issues. However, through diet and lifestyle, I learned to manage and improve these conditions.
I thought I had a good handle on preventing disease until my son was born. Right after his birth, he began to develop several health struggles. It started with eczema at 2 months old, followed by diarrhea at 4 months old, and finally vomiting after eating solids at 6 months old. These conditions impaired him from gaining weight for over 18 months until we found healing through non-conventional ways. Although much of this time was very tough, with the guidance of God, I gained an immense amount of knowledge on how to aid the body in healing. I learned natural remedies, recipes, and how to grow in Christ through the storm.
In sharing my story and the things learned, I pray that each reader will be motivated to find healing for themselves through our Creator.
“‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’…Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” – Jeremiah 33:1,6